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There are many ways to get your license suspended or revoked in Missouri. Too many accrued points or DUI charges are the most common way most drivers find themselves in this situation. Failure to pay a traffic fine or leaving the scene of an accident are also somewhat common justifications for the restriction of one’s driving privileges. In most cases, this leaves drivers relying on family or public transit to get around while they wait for the ability to get their licence reinstated. There is a way, in some cases, to regain some of your driving privileges during this time.
Missouri offers limited driving privileges to drivers with suspended licenses if they can indicate a specific need in their daily lives to be able to drive. Generally, this applies to individuals who need to be able to drive to get to work or school, to transport their children to school or another guardian’s house, or to receive medical treatment. Limited driving privileges may also be issued for drivers to attend substance abuse programs, required meetings with parole officers, or to travel to a service facility that installs ignition interlock devices.
Limited driving privileges are only available to drivers in need who meet a series of specific limitations. Drivers who are technically eligible for license reinstatement, but who have not met all of the requirements for reinstatement are not eligible for limited driving privileges. Drivers who lost their license because of felony charges involving a motor vehicle, or who left the scene of an accident also do not qualify for the program. Drivers who had their license suspended for failure to pay a ticket, whether they live in-state or out-of-state, can not qualify for the program, and must instead pay the fines assigned and the fees for reinstatement. Finally, drivers within the first 30 days of their suspension for a DUI or BAC violation, or those within the first 90 days of a suspension for a chemical revocation can not qualify for the program.
In most cases, legal assistance is necessary to navigate the application process for limited driving privileges. Drivers with suspended or revoked licenses who qualify for the program can submit an application, or file a petition with the circuit court to request limited privileges. Filing a petition requires payment of an additional fee, and both options require that the driver provide proof of SR 22 insurance from their insurer, and have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle, for drivers with suspensions related to DUI convictions.