So you were caught speeding in Missouri and you were issued a speeding ticket. You have a few options. First, you must address the ticket with the Fine Collection Center within 30 days of the issue date with a plea of Guilty or Not Guilty. If you plead Guilty, you pay the fine. If you plead Not Guilty, then congratulations, you are headed to traffic court!
What Can I Expect At Traffic Court?
When you decided to plead not guilty, your citation was sent to the county prosecutor for disposition. You now will have to appear at court to plead your case. You may have chosen to plead not guilty because the ticket fine is too much, or you may already have points on your driving record and you can’t afford any more. Or perhaps you just have a fighting spirit. Whatever the reason, it will be up to a judge now to decide your speeding fate. You want to plead the best case possible. You can choose to make your case on your own. Are you ready to defend your driving record? Interview any witnesses? File paperwork? Are you familiar with municipal, county, and/or state traffic laws? Most folks are not prepared for this. You can also choose to hire a Springfield traffic law attorney to represent you in court.
What IS a Springfield Traffic Ticket Attorney?
Basically, a traffic ticket attorney is an attorney that specializes in helping people that have been ticketed for any driving related charge. Traffic ticket attorneys know the traffic laws for the state they live in and know the traffic court system. If your dog bit your neighbor and sued you, you would not hire a tax attorney to defend you. For that same reason, you should hire an attorney that knows and deals with the traffic laws of his or her state to deal with your traffic ticket dispute.
Why Hire An Attorney?
Should you lose at traffic court, so many bad things can and will happen. Points will be assessed against your driving record. If enough points accrue, you could have your license suspended. If you lose in court you will still have to pay your fine, and then also face a possibly even higher fine, court fees, and legal fees. You can probably expect to see an increase in your insurance premiums. In choosing to fight your ticket, it is clearly in your best interest to hire an attorney. Springfield Traffic Tickets will be happy to assist you in court. Having an attorney at court with you or on your behalf will advocate for you to have charges reduced, reduce or eliminate points, lower fines, and help to keep your insurance rates from rising. We will also appear in court for you if you cannot or do not want to appear. This is a fight you should not enter into alone.
At Springfield Traffic Tickets, you will be represented at competitive prices and assisted in court to get the best positive outcome possible for you and your driving record.The answer to this question is a definite MAYBE! If the traffic ticket you have received is incontestable (although few things in life really are), if you feel the ticket is justified and do not want to fight it, then perhaps you do not need a traffic ticket attorney. However, if you feel that you have a “side of the story” to tell, or you feel the ticket is unjustified, or you feel the fine or sentence would be unrealistic, then the answer to this question is a definite YES!
How Do I Find a Springfield Traffic Ticket Attorney?
Word-of-mouth from friends and acquaintances is a great way to find an attorney… Unfortunately, most people do not know how helpful traffic attorneys can be. Advertising is another good way to find one, but how can you know which one is best? Give them a call, get a second opinion, ask about their success rates, and in Missouri, always contact Springfield Traffic Tickets. Your driving record will appreciate it.